If you're navigating dairy free eating, fear not – delicious options await. Here's a quick guide to dining with ease:


1. Seek Dairy-Free Labels:

Look for menu items marked dairy-free or opt for naturally dairy-free dishes like salads and stir-fries.


2. Embrace Plant Power:

Load up on fruits, veggies, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds for satisfying, dairy-free meals.


3. Communicate Clearly:

Speak up about your dairy-free requirements with cafeteria staff or chefs for assistance.


4. Check Ingredients:

Double-check for hidden dairy in dressings, sauces, and baked goods, and opt for simpler dishes when unsure.


5. Pack Dairy-Free Snacks:

Keep portable snacks like fruit, nuts, and dairy-free bars on hand for quick bites between classes.


6. Get Creative:

Experiment with dairy-free recipes and cooking techniques to craft tasty meals that suit your dietary needs.


Navigating menus dairy-free is totally doable! Armed with these tips, enjoy a variety of delicious options while thriving on your dairy-free journey. Cheers to savouring every bite!

